Friday, August 11, 2006

Isabella from Macau - 依莎貝拉

One of the perks of coming to the States and hanging out at my Mum's house includes being able to watch some quality Chinese films as well as some really low quality Chinese sitcoms.

Today I watched Isabella (依莎貝拉). Despite my initial reservations, this turned out to be a beautiful movie, shot in reflective mood and artistic colour. Set in the backdrop on the advent of Macau's hand-over back to China (in 2000), it depicts the growing semi-romantic bond between a young, abandoned prostitute searching for her dog (named Isabella) and her corrupt policeman father (whom she had a one night stand with). It's an unexpected masterpiece of Hong Kong cinema. Even more unexpected is that Macau/HK popstar, Isabella Leung Lok Si - 梁洛施 (who, incidentally, looks delicious) can act too.


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